Scientific wellness at the cellular level.
Powerful health and wellness results can be yours in our exclusive vitality booth which cocoons your body in dual-spectrum red light waves. Medical grade red-light therapy combines with halo therapy salt chamber. Each modality can be standalone or combined for maximum benefit. The most powerful red-light panels classified as FDA class 2 medical devices.
* Exclusive to Energy Wave Spa North Myrtle Beach Location
​Vitality Booth Benefits​ Salt/Halo Benefits
Watch this Video About the ​Vitality Booth

Benefits of red light therapy
Anti-aging with the reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
Aids in weight loss
Helps with detoxification and reduces inflammation
Improve skin texture and appearance, boosting collagen production and elasticity
Alleviates acne, psoriasis, and eczema
Boost immune function and cellular health
Helps to manage pain
Promote wound healing and scar reduction
Helps to enhance your mood and increase vigor
Boosts testosterone production
Provides a cognitive boost
Increases athletic performance
Known to promote hair growth
Stimulates mental clarity
Reduces high blood pressure

Benefits of salt/halo therapy
Can reduce the symptoms of:
Cystic fibrosis
Skin conditions
Cold, cough, and flu
Smokers cough
Promotes the health of:
The respiratory system
The immune system
The largest organ in the body, the skin